Sunday 26 September 2021

Sunday Variety

Puzzle Picture 1

Which Station? More in a forthcoming blog.

Puzzle Picture 2

What is the SPECIFIC link between this bus and Newcastle United football team. More in a forthcoming blog.

An Offer You Can('t) Refuse

We all love a retail park - so we are told - and the above is the fantastic Rushden Lakes, at Rushden. (It is in Northamptonshire). 

When it opened, everybody and the cat started running buses there to take the crowds of happy shoppers on their weekly retail therapy. They all fizzled out (buses not shoppers!) as most dedicated spenders found it more convenient to go by car.

UNOwho in fetching fuchsia, is bucking the trend with this new Saturday only offering for the University of Northampton.
Why students and staff would want to pay £5/£8 to go all the way to Rushden to buy things they could purchase in Northampton is not at all clear, but such is the lure of a retail park.

But Rushden Lakes has come up with a spiffing wheeze to endorse its "green" credentials. It is very exciting.
Bet you can't wait!
Bewiched is not the TV series (Bewitched with a "t") but a retail coffee emporium ...
... whilst Magazine Heaven is a retail coffee emporium which also sells magazines.
And you would guess that Jamaica Blue ...
... might, possibly, be a coffee emporium which sells coffee.

Sadly the deal only applied to yesterday and fbb has received no reports as to the size of the crowds alighting from the Stagecoach buses and rushing to claim their free bevvy.

Service 50 runs hourly from Bedford ...
... to the delightful Northants town of Horse Market; whilst on Saturdays, a busy shopping day, The X46 from another small town called North Gate ...
... is REDUCED from hourly to every two hours - as is its bosom pall, the X47.
Good, innit?

It is called building back better.

fbb thinks that the free coffee may not be the greatest promotion success that Rushden Lakes hoped for. Maybe the crowd control was not really necessary!

Building Back Better At A Bus Station!
With push button help screens? Sanitising footwash at each stand -
- it's a puddle! Plus superb passenger information.
Bright and cheery ambience.

Welcome to Aylesbury!

Building Back Better in Bucks?

Almost all of the remaining UK's "underground" bus stations are tatty, grim and unattractive. Meanwhile, in Europe ...

... at Palma.
And it is utterly underground!
Only "town" buses stop on street level.
Country buses, trams and trains are buried under the park.

Pretty Public Transport Pictures
Delaine At Dawn
Dawlish At Dusk
Sections of the new sea wall, now complete with lights and benches.

Guess Who?
... designed the "Mainline" livery for the privatised South Yorkshire Transport?
Hard to believe it, but it was ...
He must have been still in short trousers?

 Next Variety blog : Monday 27th September 


  1. Sounds as though fbb hasn't visited his home town's retail facilities in a while. Many large stores have departed, and Rushden Lakes appeals to a kind of shopper who would once have frequented town centres...

  2. Super wpis! My od jakiegoś czasu myślimy o eksporcie naszej odzieży na wschód. Wiem, że potzrebne nam będą certyfikaty gost k i inne dokumenty. Dlatego chcemy udać się do CCRW po wszystkie niezbędne dokumenty. Wiem, że powiedzą nam co i jak trzeba załatwić.
