And his near-instant resurrection!
A letter received today from the Halifax bank was addressed to the "representatives" of fbb "now that he has died"! fbb agrees wholeheartedly with Mark Twain who was obliged to write "rumours of my death are somewhat exaggerated!" When Halifax were contacted they profusely apologised, saying that "someone" must have entered the wrong initials into the database.
Can we trust the computer?
SHOCK HEADLINE! Over the past few days First Bus have withdrawn from all of their services in South Yorkshire bar one...

But, worry not, anxious reader, a click on the "forthcoming timetables" button reveals not a single forthcoming timetable but some of the current timetables, mostly only for Rotherham and Doncaster! So the plot thickens!
And this, from Stagecoach Yorkshire:-
They last operated this service 23 in January 2009 but there it is, all resplendent in their list of current timetables. [STOP PRESS on 12th Jan : at last , this wrong timetable has mysteriously disappeared, two years late.]
They last operated this service 23 in January 2009 but there it is, all resplendent in their list of current timetables. [STOP PRESS on 12th Jan : at last , this wrong timetable has mysteriously disappeared, two years late.]
And on the Isle of Wight, for some time before the Southern Vectis January change,
you could click on the revised service buttons and, you guessed it, get a second copy of the OLD services.

Now, anyone can make mistakes [even fbb - most definitely fbb!!], but in areas where the internet is the only reliable source of timetables - someone should be monitoring and correcting them before they lead some unsuspecting traveller up the proverbial garden path. And even if there is an alternative source of information, errors like these hardly inspire confidence in the information provider, do they?
And we must not forget our favourite generator of inexcusable errors, Travel South Yorkshire

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