Friday 24 March 2023

Much Interest In Budapest (2)

Much To Be Seen With Tram Nineteen

Today's tram 19 looks swish, but trams in Budapest once looked like this ...
... and later with cover for the driver!
As late as 1970 you might be treated to something like this ...
... until a more standard design (with "roof box") predominated until recently on line 19.
One similar appears on the system bedecked for Christmas.
Then came the handover to five segment low floor "slinkies".
As we begin our tour at the northern terminus of the line, we need to remember that Google Streetview is not always updated to cover changes in public transport rolling stock!

So off to the northern terminus of the 19. The main road splits and a Michelin street map shows a plethora of "T" icons for tram stops all with the same name.

Such are the joys of maps based on computer data not drawn by a human being. There are, obviously, just two stops, one on each arm of the "V". They are both called:-

Becsi ut / Vorosvavi ut

So what is an "ut"? Google translate assures fbb that the word means "out" and there are lots of on-line examples of its use. These phrases also teach fbb a few well chosen wirds in the mysteries of the Hungarian language.

Yep - gottit!
That would be to "see out". 
That would be to "pick out". 

But this is more fun.
Like it! "Is it time to pack out our Christmas prezzies, Dad?"
"Get that hook off the wall. Screw it out!"

But the very best is:-

Trying to write this blog, fbb flipped out and ran screaming down Station Road.

So the stop is called Becsi out / Vorosvavi out?

Well, no. They are the street names of the two main roads at the terminus. ...

...  and Google Maps translates Becsi ut as:-


So, looking from the north and veering to the left, we see the terminus of Tram 1.

Keep your eye on "McDonald's Tower" which is nothing to do with burgers - it merely carries an "M" advert. Moving to the right with MacTower edging in from the left ...
... we have the terminus of the 19.

But what is this?

It is a section of track that links line 1 with line 19, used, fbb presumes for stock movement only and not in passenger service. A few yards nearer town there is one in the opposite direction.
You can see these lines on Google Maps.
But before we set off on our virtual line 19 ride, there are two bus stops to enjoy. They are for the blue buses of BKK.
The 137/237 (above, top left PALE BLUE) are on Farkstorky ut and they continue futher, initially following the route of tram 1. Here are their main stops.
The 160/260 (MID BLUE) performs a loop to terminate at a stop away from the junction (bottom centre on the map).
Clearly, with no buses only map and no real time display at the termini, buses are second class citizens. But here is one doing it.
(Don't tell anyone - it might be a 137/237 : fbb can't quite make out the route number!).

Trams, of course have electronic displays.
In this instance, five trams in eight minutes. WOW!

To whet your virtual tram riding appetite, here is a snippet of a "roof box" 19 leaving the river bank track and turning inland towards the northern terminus.

 Next Budapest Tram blog : Saturday 25th March 


  1. I would translate 'út' as 'road', whereas diminutive 'utca' is street. But really they are both just suffixes for street names.

  2. Andrew Kleissner24 March 2023 at 07:25

    The older tram on route 19 and the Christmas tram are different. The one on route 19 is a Ganz 8-axle articulated tramcar, built in the late 60s/early 70s, but the Christmas tram is a non-articulated UV, also by Ganz, introduced in the 1950s and withdrawn in 2007. These bogie vehicles sometimes ran as 2-car sets, or had an (older) four-wheel trailer in the middle. These were not the most comfortable vehicles to ride in - bumpy and with only slatted wooden seats! The UVs themselves though were superb.

  3. Andrew Kleissner24 March 2023 at 09:47

    BKK is the overall transport authority (think "Transport for London") and was only created about 10 years ago. The buses and trams are actually run by BKV which I presume is a city-owned company. This change might (or might not) have been a consequence of Hungary joining the EU.

  4. Your translations are not Hungarian but rather one of the Nordic languages (the a with a ring on is a clue, as it doesn't exist in Hungarian).

    . 'út" means (main) road, and " Bécsi út" means "Vienna Road", more or less

  5. FBB's google translates appear to be in Norwegian (as Google would have told him).

    Hungarian is usually recognisable by virtue of the fact it doesn't look or sound like any other European language!

  6. Andrew Kleissner24 March 2023 at 21:09

    Finnish, I believe, is related.

  7. A Hungarian of my acquaintance insists that that is an urban myth!

  8. Hungarian and Finnish are in the same language family (Finno-Ugric), but that's a bit like saying Icelandic and Dutch are both Germanic.

    Hungarian: Minden. emberi lény szabadon születik és egyenlő méltósága és joga van.

    Finnish: Kaikki ihmiset syntyvät vapaina ja tasavertaisina arvoltaan ja oikeuksiltaan.
