Sunday, 3 March 2019

Weekend Collection (B)

You Have To Wonder Why!
fbb happened to spot this in reduced length on Twitter but it would not download, so (here) is a link to the YouTube site. The video lasts for 13 minutes and there is a snag - it is all in German with no subtitle translation! You may here "lok" for "locomotive" and the number "ein hundert acht und sextig" (168).

The rest is self explanatory!

Signs Of  The Times
This white-on-brown direction sign has appeared in sunny Seaton just along the road from fbb mansions.
You would have to admit that arriving at the seaside and not being able to find the sea would be a bit of a downer.

So we must all be grateful to East Devon District Council for their aplomb and consideration in helping out tourists and residents alike.

In case you cannot read or maybe are less than familiar with the English language, fbb can reveal the location of this helpful piece of a street furniture.
And in case you wondered, the sea is that wet blue stuff just beyond the wall, about 30 metres past the sign.

737 Becomes X76
Occasionally, very occasionally, fbb has been known to offer mild criticism of Travel South Yorkshire for their poor publicity, badly designed timetables and that awful "tube style" networks map. But just occasionally, very occasionally, the lads and lasses from the lavish PTE bunker do get it right.
Several days BEFORE (yes, BEFORE) today's timetable changes new network maps have appeared and are freely available for free. So excited was Sheffield correspondent Roy that he immediately posted two to your equally excited author.

Not only do they appear to be tight (well, almost right) but they have advance news of a change happening IN ONE MONTH'S TIME.
Back in 2017, there was much excitement when Stagecoach announced a new service between Sheffield and Doncaster Airport, developed on the former RAF Finningley site.
Buses were schedules to serve the airport at major flight arrival and departure times. Our friends for Eastern Europe tend to arrive and depart in the early evening and so , after a few tweaks, the 737 timetable reflected this potential demand.
From 6th April this is, according to information received, being replaced with service X6 which will run hourly. Like its predecessor, the new route will run fast from Sheffield via the M18 but, according to the new maps, will divert to serve the growing employment areas at Waverley just off the Parkway A630.
And there's lots more "stuff" there since the Google aerial view cameras were in operation. Likewise there is loads of "stuff" just off the M18 at Doncaster, passed, presumably, by the X6 on the way to the airport.
Local bus watchers reckon that some "section 106" money (or similar) will be helping to oil the piggy bank for this interesting service development.

fbb has requested a timetable from Stagecoach, but none had appeared as of 1930 yesterday.

There has been no comment yet from First who serve the Sheffield sites exclusively and run buses at shift times to some of the Doncaster warehousing.
Indeed. First has just "improved" its services to the Waverley Industry (Sheffield) - of which more in a later blog.

Think east of Paris and roughly twice as far from the centre as Disneyland.
Transilien (Paris outer suburban network) ...
... route P serves this delightfully named station still resplendent with its traditional station buildings. There are five "P" lines in this mini network and you might expect one of these ...
... for your "commute". Vut, currently ...
... NOT for the 1805 from Gare de L'Est.
Loco hauled trains are now a rarity in France (as they are in the UK) and a loco on a suburban train is special. Enjoy while it lasts.
Thanks to Sheffield pal, Dave the lorry driver. He has not been driving his lorry for some time due to a long period of ill-health, hospitalisation and recovery. He is very much on the mend now and likes to keep in touch with things French, as well as being a reader of this blog.

Confused dot Com?
Financial reports from companies can be a bit of a mystery. fbb was "taught" how to read a company end of year brochure whilst "doing" economics at Northampton Grammar School. Despite what the old man has retained - not much - the following two items from one of the on-line rags serve to mystify even more.

No doubt some blog readers will understand.
fbb's best guess is this:-

GoAhead business is less profitable than it was (down 25.8%) and First is taking in more money from most of its divisions (good) but is hardly doing brilliantly.+

Video 125
Eons ago, fbb bought a Video from these folk, so he regularly receives adverts and offers. This one looked particularly attractive.
It takes you for a cab ride plus informative commentary mostly in "real time". It does actually say "Manchester" but fbb pressed his screenshot button at an inopportune moment.
One thing you realise very early on is that a "tilting train" does tilt!
It is certainly more obvious looking out of the front window that the limited sensation you get whilst ensconced in the passenger seats.

the Video costs £25 on DVD and £20 for a download.

Maybe a belated self-awarded Birthday Present.

STOP PRESS : For Sheffield Bus Geeks
At about 0845 this morning, picture of the very first EVER bus via Abbey Lane between Parkhead and Beauchief.
It is mostly woodland with a few VERY posh gaffs hidden away at the top end.; but they will get no benefit as the bus does not stop on this bit of road! Thanks Roy for the snap taken at Beauchief traffic lights.

Tomorrow fbb goes for a walk - but virtually.

 Next Great Central blog : Monday 4th March 

1 comment:

  1. I heard 198 Loks (33x6), to be pedantic. Pulling 84 tonnes.
