Poor information? - never looked : state of bus station? - didn't care : poor customer service? - never noticed. So what gets fat bus bloke all hot and bothered?
A recent visit to Whitby introduced your intrepid investigator to the famous Whitby Steam Bus. Giving short tours round the town for a modest fee (considering it needs 3 staff; driver, fireman and conductor /commentator) is a real, no - a surreal experience.
This claims to be the only road passenger carrying steam vehicle IN THE WORLD. The vehicle, named Elizabeth, began life as a steam lorry in London and it found its way into the hands of "Vern" ...
... who, together with Mrs Vern and Vern junior, built a 30 seat bus body on it and now run a steam bus tours business.
... who, together with Mrs Vern and Vern junior, built a 30 seat bus body on it and now run a steam bus tours business.

Go to Whitby, by bus from Middlesbrough and Guisborough, by bus from Scarborough, by bus from Leeds and York, by train from Middlesbrough or by North York Moors Railway from Pickering and...
Ride the fiery female that is Vern's Elizabeth.
P.S. the bus also carries a fourth member of staff - Vern's dog who, on our trip, slept in bored tranquility as the engine clanked and hissed around him - or her.
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