Thursday 15 August 2024

Sheffield Snippets

Confusing 95s : A PTE Surprise

Many PTE non-leaflets had appeared on-line before fbb published his first look at First. But mostly we are still waiting for PTE timetables for the big changes.

Generally, PTE timetables are easier to read and follow than those of created by First's crackpot technology.

Instead of First's "show everything in one lump" policy, including lots of potentially confusing white space ...
... the PTE has split the service into 95 (with the one 95s journey) ...
... and a 95a/95b table.
This helps no end as there is no commonality once these services fan out after a call at Handsworth.

What is missing is the need to include ALL the buses from Walkley to Handsworth (every 15 min) in one table, say the 95 section. Or maybe a summary of all 95s between Handsworth and Walkley would be helpful.

Also missing is a map.

And utterly useless is the route description. It is crackpot!
It never ceases to amaze fbb that a major "supporter" of public transport like the PTE is incapable of  creating up-to-date maps to go with these fairly massive timetable changes.

Why Wybourn?
The bus service to Wybourn haS had a chequered career having even hosted a bendybus trial. Once "free standing" ...
... its recent fate has been to be linked cross city with the route to Nether Edge.
Once running very ten minutes, First has managed to put off so many passengers that it has been reduced, progressively to every 12, every 15, every 20 and now a paltry bus every half an hour.
But look what is happening from the 1st September changes.
From the current terminus at the Wyboirn shops and the former Windsor Hotel ...
... buses will veer to the right to join Manor Lane, where, on the left, are the remains of "The Manor".
A right hander brings the bus on to Manor Park Crescent ...
... where new housing has replaced time-expired dwellings. The new terminus for the 56 is Manor Park Centre.
Manor Park Crescent never had any bus service to Sheffield's city centre until the somewhat convoluted 10/10a "inner circle" arrived on the scene. The new 56 will be a more direct improvement.

Here is an extract from the new timetable ...
... and fbb wonders whether it has "cost an extra bus". If so, will the extra revenue be enough to cover the extra costs?

An Unusual Fix for the Number 6
When the "consultation" was announced some weeks back, fbb did wonder whether anything would change. But strange things happen in the tortured minds of bus managers.

Readers with a brain as alert and receptive at fbb's (fat chance these days!!) may remember that the proposal was to withdraw the 6 from Greystones (seen on the map below ...
... labelled in in grey - appropriately) and visible on the left hand edge of the above map; with the No 6 route following the main road via Banner Cross.

That change seemed sensible as Greystones would get a "proper" half hourly service direct in to the city from the September changes. The 6 is currently hourly and wiggles muchly. See map below in BROWN.
Clearly somewhere along the consultation route it has been decided that the Greystones bit is to remain - so Greystones goes from one bus an hour to THREE

In the lengthy history of buses in Sheffield, Greystones has NEVER had three buses an hout!

Does the PTE highlight this change of heart?


But we are told ...
... of a revision in the city centre.

So here is the route through the city centre of the current service 6.
And here (fanfare of trumpets, parade of dancing girls, balloons and bags of chocolate peanuts in riotous celebrations) is the new route through the the city from the upcoming changes.
It is not at all clear whether our loyal blog readers will be able to spot the change! Certainly the PTE people don't seem to grasp what ISN'T happening.

The timetable has changed by an occasional minute!

But there is more excitement for route 6.
The PTE is offering a route map and a timetable leaflet!

In your dreams!

There is NO timetable leaflet and the only route map is part of the Sheffield network map which has yet to be updated.

For one brief but misleading minute, fbb thought that the PTE was actually doing something to encourage bus travel in his former home city.

But it was all just a tragic and depressing dream.

And that is before we look at the bigger changes designed to baffle and infuriate Sheffielders.

 Next "Going Where?" blog : Friday 16th Aug 


  1. There is no such thing as "The PTE" and hasn't been for years. Do you mean the Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA)?

    Incidentally the map for the new suite of route 95 buses on the First bus website is quite helpful! I assume it ended up being numbered 95 and not changing as proposed due to the good folk of Walkley being vocal about it in thje consultation.

    re the 6, I believe in the consultation the good folk of Greystones asked to keep the 6 as they found the link to the Hallamshire Hospital and University of Sheffield useful.

  2. in these changes good to see Loxley and Wisewood get their Sunday buses back and Worrall/Stocksbridge improvements in the evening. Still much to do, for example Bradway still doesn't have any buses after 8pm!

  3. The Mayors lot, disguised as Travel South Yorkshire, typical public sector seems to have no concept of timescales or doing things with good notice which is reflected on how last minute they publish bus changes - commuters that buy monthly tickets need to know the details more than a week or two before they happen!
