... But First Some Answers to Quiz Time Number 3
1, It was our Isle of Wight correspoident who e-mailed the answer to fbb.
The problem is that the sidecar is on the wrong side of the bike. fbb suspected this (remember he has no answer sheet!) but, because the interwebnet has bike and sidecar pictures from various countries, he could not confirm it without extra help. Thanks Alan!
2. Back in the 1930s, helmets were not compulsory, but ...... you could not carry a pillion passenger if you were still on a ptovisional (learner's) licence.
4. If you queued your car against these gates ...... the gates could not open. Crossing gates when open to road traffic offer a symbolic barrier to trains by closing across the tracks. They wouldn't stop a train,, which is why crossing gates are linked to their protective railway signals.
5. The ship pictured is the Queen Elizabeth launched in 1938.The Queen Mary had three funnels and was launched in 1934.
6. You would have to be a special kind of pilot ...... to handle a plane with two engines on one wing and one on the other.
7. The duodecagon shape of this three pence coin was not introduced ..,... until 1937. So one dated 1917 would be a fake.
8. There is no catch in this picture ...... and thus no means of keeping the contents secure! An open and open case!
9. Odd working on the railway!One train has no locomotive and the other has two - pulling in opposite directions.
Bonus : Roller skating is, fbb is told, not easy ...... but roller skating on ice would be even harder. The skateress might well be disqualified anyway!
Back To The Tunnel ...
... and that portal of gloom near the southern exit of the Queensway Tunnel under the River Mersey.There was once a branch tunnel at the Birkenhead end which led to the town's docks area. If you go to Rendel Street you would see this ...... which looks familiar. And, from just round the corner we see the old docks tunnel entrance road.
And the old road from above.
And the old road from above.
The old tunnel, now used for parking maintenance equipment, is barred by gates at the Rendel Street end.
Here is the original meeting point now visible at the hole of doom as at the head of this report.This picture is from the leaflet explaining how the junction worked.The pictures below show the junction in use, and controlled by traffic lights - in the early days ...... and somewhat later.Looks like fun!But what about a roundabout in a tunnel?.
"NOT the Advent Calendar", but ...
Critique 31
Part of the Christmas Story ...
... but Later.
Like the "Find The Fault" quiz above, we ask, "What is wrong with this traditional stylised picture?"
The shepherds didn't take any sheep
Almost everything!
The wise men didn't ride on camels
The wise men didn't meet the shepherds
It was, most likely, a cave not a stable
The wise men went to Jesus' "house"
The shepherds did not observe the star
There is no record of three wise men
The wise men visited Jesus when aged 2
Here is what Matthew actually wrote.
Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea, during the time when Herod was king. Soon afterward, some men who studied the stars came from the East to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the baby born to be the King of the Jews? We saw his star when it came up in the east, and we have come to worship him.”
When King Herod heard about this, he was very upset, and so was everyone else in Jerusalem. He called together all the chief priests and the teachers of the Law and asked them, “Where will the Messiah be born?”
Looking for a "King", they went to the King!
As it turned out, not the best plan.
So who exactly were these "some men"?
Tunnel blog Part 3 : Weds 1st Jan
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