Friday 12 July 2024

Contracting First : Commercial Failings (2)

 Sobering Thoughts

On the surface a fairy standard announcement of which there9 have been plenty over recent years. 
BUT ...

This is Helston  "Depot" ...

... a bus parking area near Flambards theme park ...
... and just along a track from Sainsburys, seen here with GoAhead Transport for Cornwall buses on layover.
It is hard to see how closing a parking yard can save a lot of money. Of course, if that also involves withdrawing from bus services in the Helston area ...

The another thought comes from a respected and experienced busman.

So obviously the huge expansion (and later contraction) outlined in yesterday:s blog cannot have been effective!

Such are the dubious benefits of the UK's "commercial" system for bus operation. Although the only example, as yet, of a franchised system outside London is hardly a roaring success, so far.

Is it Andy?
Likewise, despite the Buses for Cornwall deal with GoAhead and the short term subsidised fare reductions but with substantial iincreases on the way ...
... there isn't too much euphoria emanating from Cornwall's council offices.
And there isn't too much either from GoAhead's senior management.

But Back to First's Principles?
First Bus had a good thing going with the University of Falmouh. Two interurban routes were rebranded as U1 and U2 ...
... Linking Falmouth and the huge Penrym Campus with Truro (U1) and Redruth (U2). These were further enhanced by a local shuttle (U3).
Shiny new buses were operated ...
... including some in a unique livery!
But, looking at the summer's timetable book we see that things have changed.

The U2 service to Redruth is branded "Copper" ...
.., and reduced to hourly.
The U1 to Truro have been extended and gained a U1A variant ...
... and they carry the brand "Coast to Coast". 
"Extended" is not the right word, as the former U1 has been linked to existing routes between Truro and Newquay. 

It seems that First was unhappy with the level of subsidy from the Uni and withdrew a student special £1 fare offer. Maybe thereafter students voted with their feet, their bikes or their cars!!!

Meanwhile, buses with the former U1 branding have appeared on non university routes as here on service 27.
This used to run every hour from ...
... Truro to St Austell (LIGHT BLUE).
First no longer operates on this route!

This picture appeared a while back to publicise First's electric bus experiments (hence the turbine!) ...
It is supposedly on route 91, again hourly ...
... and again it has vanished from the latest timetable book.
The former 91 (DARK GREEN) is partially covered by Buses for Cornwall's 93 (PINK).
And who operated the 93 before the arrival of GoAhead?
Surprise, surprise!

Maybe, the way things are going, Cornwall Council may yet achieve their aim of being king of ALL buses in the county!

And fbb almost forgot. The nice neat and tidy Tinner T1 and T2 ...
... which used to be services 14 and 18 and once was every 10 minutes on the common section ...
... has become much more complicated!
It is beyond fbb's pay grade to work out what has been supplanted, but you can be fairly certain that it includes a reduction of service somewhere.

But there is good news (?).

The Mousehole ...
... is now joined by a Cat ...
... but the service through to the harbour is cut from every 15 to every 20! The Mouses are now smaller minibuses ...
... but the Cat is an unbranded double decker that doesn't, that cannot, go all the way!
The terminus is a bit tight!
If you go to Mousehole (pronounced Mowzle with Mow rhyming with Cow) there is (maybe was?) a bijou chippy very near that horrific corner.
Used once by fbb! The food was super yummy.

 Next Variety blog : Saturday 13th July 


  1. So FBB is having a moan at changes but doesn't really know what has changed? The 27 and 91 has been replaced by the extensions to the T2 providing all day through service from St Austell or Newquay to the Royal Hospital in Truro. Also additional running time has been given as the previous timetable buses were very unreliable. If FBB is going to have a dig at least get his facts right. The Mousehole timetable was changed to every 15 minutes last year but half of the service omitted the Alverton estate and passengers and local councillors were up in arms so the timetable has reverted back to a standard 20 minute all going the same way, a request from the local public!

    1. Still saved on buses though didn't it?

    2. Anon @ 0718. No PVR saved. Was 3, still 3. The 4bph service was scheduled on a 45 min cycle allowing little recovery time and was a reliability disaster. The current 3bph service is scheduled on a 60 min cycle and works. The casualty is capacity, but with the 4bph service this was largely academic anyway because gaps and bunching were the norm.

  2. Why, exactly, is the Bee Network “not exactly a roaring success” especially as it isn’t even fully implemented yet?

  3. There would seem to have been some "teething trouble", at least:_

  4. When quoting the financial position I'm sure FBB meant to state that of First South West (which operates in Cornwall), not First West of England (which doesn't operate in Cornwall).
