By Public Transport
Things didn't look good on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th November.
The problems seemed very close to routes between the Isle of Wight and Seaton. This was photographed near Exeter.
To add to the fun, Red Funnel had only one Red Jet in operation and only two of the three car ferries had functioning elastuc band drive. This was for annual maintenance. Then it was announced that one of the two car ferries, Red Osprey ...
... was out of service, its rubber band that drives one "propulsion unit" having busted.
In passing Osprey has been out of service again
yesterday AND some Red Jet "flights" were also cancelled.
There is something very wrong at Red Funnel.
Back to Monday 25th November.
So, if bad weather caused the cancellation of the one and only Red Jet ....
... the fbbs could have been spending another night on the Island.
But Monday 25th dawned bright, clear, dry and still so on-line reports were suggesting that the fbb's route home should be running on time by the afternoon. The busted car ferry was back so the brave twosome decided to stick to their prepared schedule ...
... and take the car ferry from East Cowes rather than risking the Red Jet.
So it was Vectis route 5 from Newport to East Cowes Waitrose ...
... whence it was but a short stroll on to the "big boat", leaving at 1030. It was a "short" walk up the long long passenger gangway ...
... to enjoy a pleasant cross Solent "sail"
And with an 1130 arrival, there would be plenty of time to catch the 1145 bus from Town Quay to Central station (see schedule above).
But fbb had made a ghastly mistake !!!
He had not checked the Quay Connect bus timetable, merely assuming that the journey planners would be correct. They weren't : there was no 1145 bus! The bus times had been changed from every half hour to every 70 minutes to match the Red Jet times and the bus had this left at 1127.
But the fbbs had an appointment with "Ann Lewin" (see schedule) at 1230; to be taken c/o Ann's car for lunch at 1300.
Taxi - £10!
Lunch was taken at The Cow Herds Inn on The Avenue. It has been there a long time ...
... later visited by horseless carriages ...
... and nowadays with a big car park round the back.
Very pleasant meal and natter and so back to Southampton Central for the 1511 to Salisbury, which the Deep Throat National Rail computer had assured the fbbs would be running.
But the 1511 was running nine minutes late which would mean missing the tight six minute connection at Salisbuty.
But the 1411 was running 50 minutes late!
Hooray and thanks Storm Bert !
Conection duly made into the 1547 from Salisbuty with time to spare.
Only the train sat in Salisbury for ten minutes waiting for a member of crew.
So the fbbs missed the 1715 Axe Valley bus from Axminster to Seaton.
To complete thei jouney by public transport, they should have waited for th 1840, But they were tired and it was dark and there is no warm waiting room after 1700 so they rang their neighbours who had offered a personalised taxi if necessary.
Boy was it good to be back in fbb mansions and swigging a fresh mugga whist being upbraided by Mr Tubbles about poor catering, bad weather and absent staff.

"NOT the Advent Calendar", but ...
Critique 6
The Advent Adventure!
The church season of Advent has never been adored by commercialism like Easter and Criss-muss; but it dates back at least to the early 400s AD. It comes from latin words meaning a "coming together" or a "happening". From the same source we get the word Adventure which is also a "coming together" of excitement, exploration and edification.
Like the children's' "calendar" the season is all about preparing for CHRISTmas; but the season goes deeper than that. The historic Adventure has three "threads".
1. The coming of CHRIST to the World
2. The coming of CHRIST to the hearts of mere humans
3. The coming of CHRIST ar the end of all time
Most Churches focus on
Advent 1!
Each of four coloured candles are lit on the four Sundays before December 25th and the central candle is lit in the Big Day itself often at midnight on 24th. There are traditional meanings for the colours and the white is of course, for the purity of the nativity.
It is, like the proper Advent Calendar, about
preparing for
CHRISTmas; and that doesn't mean stocking up with booze or buying presents!
One wise thinker once said, "The more your prepare for the real
CHRISTmas; the less stress you will feel about the unreal Criss-muss".
Next Saturday Variety blog : Sat 7th December
There are two Red Jets in the fleet, numbers 6 and 7, built in 2016 and 2018. The one sold earlier this year was Red Jet 4. A new Electric fast ferry which will have a sixty minute recharge time is under construction for delivery next year.