Saturday 27 July 2024

Saturday Variety

First Cable : First Dangle

It was light blue ... then it went red ...
... as sponsorship was obtained from Emirates and branded as Air Line.
It then went purple with a much lower sponsorship from tech firm IFS. Dangle cars have been red ...
... and are now IFS purple.
But recently, the purple brand has had a refresh at the two stations.
Publicity has a distinct taste of the Bearded Bus Beautifier from the Bush about it!
Every detail is  now brightly purpled!
But the big question still remains. Is it a success?

Financially it appears to be a disaster with ridership being well below what was anticipated. One huge problem is that it is not easy to get at. The London Eye ...
... is very much in evidence on the South Bank whilst the Cable Car is out on a limb and, from a tourist point of view, round by the bins.

Here is an unofficial video asking the question.
But from this weekend there is a major change to the structure of the Cable Car.  The beast is owned by Transport for London (who probably wish they didn't); it is sponsored by IFS. But from this weekend it will be operated by First Group.
Anyone for a Barbie dangle car?
Perhaps not!

Talking of Branding

When London Underground rebranded Bond Street station as Burberry Street most commentators thought ot was a step too far.  The impression given by TfL was that they understood peoples' concerns and would not be doing such a drastic "rebrand" ever again - not ever - no never.

So they've just done another one!

To get us in the mood fbb will introduce his readers to an advert for a mobile everything imaginable

Apparently, you can also make phone calls on it - but they cost extra! fbb did find a short video (most are 20 minutes long) about the Samsung Z fold 6. The video was by an American gentlemen who was so enthusiastic you would think the phone had just saved his life - several times. And, of course he called is the Zee Fold 6!

Hang on to the fact that this phone unfolds to double the size. Mr excitable was keen to stress that it had a strengthened hinge, although as the product is new, it is not clear how he knew.

Now we go to a London Underground station.
Yes, folks, it is a rebranded Old Street on the city branch of the Northern Line.
Some of the station names are untainted by this stupidity as in this picture ...
... which would seem to add to the potential confusion. But a short promotional video does encourage viewers to visit Fold Street, carrying their folding phone. 

Whilst so doing such excited travellers can enjoy more hilarious folded things.

A Street lamp ...
... a bench ...
... and a phone box.
Chortle, chortle!

Hey, fbb has just had another jackpot idea.
Ideal for dangling rides in windy weather!

Beer Brand for Bradford!
Yes, that is a Trans Pennine train on the can. The company has commissioned it own brand of beer.

The mind boggles.

You'll Never Get fbb on One!
Yet another driverless tram, circumnavigating the depot very slowly.
A bit more about this tram.

A Puzzle Picture
Where might these palm trees be?

Somewhere on Lothian Buses route 16?
Answer tomorrow.

And more variety tomorrow!

 Next Variety blog : Sunday 28th July 

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