Sunday, 26 January 2025

Sunday Variety (mini blog)

First Says Good, Heidi Says Bad?

Of course, in theory, all trains were run by private companies until recently; but when Great British Railways swings into action (unless Rachel has cancelled it!), what will happen to today's "Open Access" companies?

Heidi (the week's Minister of Transport) has already "hinted" that she wants to apply more restrictions to such operations. But Lumo, Grand Central and Hull Trains are all wanting more services.

Hull Trains (First Rail) intends to run to Sheffield via the East Coast Main Line, Grand Central (Arriva) wants extra paths to Bradford whilst Lumo (First) has got really big aspirations! 

Maybe "Aspirations" would be a good name for the latest batch of boring new trains with uncomfortable seats and poor views from the windows. Or, in some cases, no view at all!
One of First's schemes is for services from Stirling to Euston via Glasgow ...
...which is why the headline at the top of this item comes from the Warrington local paper.
Lumo is also on track for services to South Wales and has recently asked for paths from Paddington to Plymouth.

There is no doubt that Lumo is poking a burnt stick into the eye of nationalised LNER but will also compete for customers on the nationalised West Coast route (currently First) and the nationalised Great Western (also currently First).

fbb finds it hard to get his head around how Open Access Operaors will fit with a fully nationalised network. Except that it won't be fully nationalised. Existing operators will be operating for HMG.

Trainline in Trouble?
fbb has never understood why anyone uses Trainline as exactly the same fares are available at their local staffed station or from any train operating company. And without any fees!
The news is that Great British Railways has announced that it, too, will run a ticket sales internet based thingey.
Apparently The Trainline shares have plummeted!

This idea would seem to be inevitable, as there won't be indivitual selling companies to retail tickets as all that nasty financial stuff will be the prerogative of GBR.

But we have heard all this before.

But that was a long, long time ago.
Yes, way back in December 2023.

One of the benefits of GBR, w are told, is that it would have consistent national policies.

Is GBR to be trusted?

Pennies Problem for Portishead
Long term blog readers may will remember that the branch line from Bristol to Portishead is to be re-opened "soon". (Railway definition of "soon" - it means an indefinitely extended timescale with no chance of any realistic termination date.)

But a local news item reveals a notable and vexatious problem.
The piggy bank is empty!

"soon" looks like being even later.

Bristol's Good News
Portishead's loss is Bedminster's gain. Herewith a picture of Bedminster's current lavish facilities.

Cheap Railway Modelling?
The Titfield Thundebolt train pack is not much more than half price. You can buy a nice yellow tank engine for just under £70 ...
... and, yes, fbb is tempted to "invest" in a selfie for his upcoming significant birthday? But as Peterville railway is ludicrously over stocked with stock of the rolling variety, common sense and financial prudence will probably prevail.

But if you want goods wagons ...

All three are dull and brown, but they are so cheap that you could afford to buy several and repaint them.

The offers are from Rails of Sheffield. Other retailers are available!

If you don't mind matching your purchases to what is cheaply available, railway modelling is not as expensive as it might sometimes appear.

fbb doesn't "do freight" at Peterville, so cannot benefit from cheapo wagons; but there is quite a lot of good pre-owned stock on offer if you shop around.

Bradford Transport Exposure!

Amongst the cognoscenti, Bradford is justly famous for its excellent trolleybus network, one of the last to survive in GB. But Bradord had trams before the rubber tyres replaced screeching metal wheels.
Just recently, as part of some improvement works in the city centre, some tram track has been exposed after many decades.
The interesting news is that many Bradfordians are campaigning for the rails to be retained as a "feature" of the new scheme.

The last trams ran in the City in 1950, i.e. 75 years ago. If the campaigners for rail retention were eye witnesses to the original, they would have to be, probably, as old as fbb.


Puzzle Picture
Obviously in railway use, and equally obviously only part of a bigger (less fuzzy) picture. What is it?
Please note : due ro logistic problems next week (John's funeral in Sutton Coldfield) the plan to finish the blog about Wilmslow Road' bus services may be postponed.

 Next re-arranged blog : Monday 27th Jan 


  1. Andrew Kleissner26 January 2025 at 07:36

    Indeed Happy Birthday Mrs FBB, and perhaps you should enjoy a slap-up dinner (or just a lemonade) in the vehicle shown in the Puzzle Picture. Just don't expect to be able to see out of the windows ...

  2. George and Dragon
