Sheffield? Probably the best place to start is the church.
An 1850 map shows the original building surrounded by a few cottages, one or two grand houses set in their own grounds; then a number of very rural farms. The church has been much extended from the 1950s onwards to accommodate a growing congregation. But essentially and traditionally Fulwood IS its church.

10 years later the Crimicar Lane route was extended further up the hill and around to Barncliffe Road to serve the now substantial development of "Hassall Homes" built on the former rural hillside. Some 60s terminated at Woofindin Road (near the church) and showed "NETHER GREEN" and a few journeys that still turned at Hallamshire Road now showed "FULWOOD".
Finally in 1971 to allow for one man operation, the route was diverted to run up Hallamshire Road, into Barncliffe Road and back down Crimicar Lane. Some journeys still turned at Fulwood Church (still shown as "Nether Green"!)
And eventually we arrive at the situation today with the dubious privilege of competition.

Only the erstwhile 88, which became an 86 and is now a 6, runs to traditional "Fulwood".
Just to add to the increasing incomprehensibility, Stagecoach thinks its service 120 terminates at Redmires Road Hallam Grange Road (which it does!) whereas Travel South Yorkshire tells us it runs to Lodge Moor (which it most definitely doesn't!!!)
Confused (dot com?) - fbb, not at all surprised!
P.S. For about 20 years fbb lived by the orange arrow on the upper part of Crimicar Lane - please feel free to go and visit the non-existent blue plaque.
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